Cara menjadikan rumah sebagai penghasil rupiah. pada postingan pertama ini saya akan menjelaskan bagaimana agar rumah kita dapat menghasilkan rupiah.Salah satu cara yang mungkin bisa kita terapkan pada rencana ini adalah membuat bisnis makanan skala rumah tangga. Apa itu bisnis makanan rumah tangga ? bisnis makanan rumah tangga adalah usaha yang dijalankanoleh minimal 1-4 orang ( badan pusat statistik ). sedangkan menurut Badan Pengawasan Obat dan Makanan, industri rumah tangga adalah suatu perusahaan pangan yang memiliki tempat usaha di rumah dengan peralatan manual sampai peralatan semi otomatis.
jadi dengan kata lain, modal utama usaha makanan skala rumah tangga adalah tempat tinggal, baik rumah pribadi, kontrak, atau bahkan tumpangan.
a. Tidak perlu mencari tempat lagi untuk lokasi usaha
sebagai contoh, lihatlah usaha pembuatan tahu putih. Saat ini di mana banyak warung/kios bertebaran di seluruh desa maka kita bisa dengan mudah menjadi produsennya. Kita bisa memproduksinya dan kemudian dengan mudah kita bisa menitipkannya ke berbagaiwarung atau toko yang menurut kita strategis. jadi kita dan pemilik warung bisa sama-sama untung.
b. Daerah pemasaran tak terbatas dengan jumlah konsumen yang tak terhingga
Jika sebuah toko hanya didatangi konsumen dari sekitar tempat di mana toko berada, kita bisa mendapatkan konsumen lebih banyak, dari belasan sampai ratusan konsumen per hari bisa kita dapatkan. Yaitu dengan cara menitipkannya ke semua toko di manapun serta sebanyak yang kita mau. Yang tentu dengan didukung oleh tenaga penyuplai yang memadai. terbayangkan banyaknya konsumen yang bisa membeli produk anda ?
c. Konsumen Datang Dengan Sendirinya
Biasanya, usaha makanan skala rumah tangga akan didatangi oleh pedagang. ya, mereka adalah konsumen yang membeli produk kita untuk diperdagangkan kembali. para trader ini biasanya datang sendiri ke tempat kita untuk membeli produk kita dalam jumlah banyak.Tentu menyenangkan bukan, barang yang baru saja kita produksi langsung ada yang membeli ? hehehe...
d. Seluruh Anggota Keluarga Dapat Membantu Untuk Melakukan Usaha
ya, keuntungan usaha rumah tangga adalah memiliki bantuan dari anggota keluarga maupun dari saudara. dengan tetap diadakannya aturan maka proses berjalannya produksi akan mulus dengan baik. seperti diterangkannya apa hak dan kewajiban setiap anggota keluarga dalam bisnis makanan ini. mengerti kan ?
e. Dapat Menjadi Lapangan Pekerjaan
Sepertinya masih banyak masyarakat disekitar kita yang masih membutuhkan pekerjaan. Alangkah kerennya jika kita bisa merekrut masyarakat di sekitar kita untuk turut berpatisippasi dalam usaha makanan kita. setidaknya kita bisa mengurangi angka pengangguran di negeri ini. iyakan ? siapa sangka, dari usaha makanan yang tadinya kecil, nanti bisa menjadi besar hingga menjadi skala pabrik ?
f. Produk Dapat Dititipkan Ke Supermarket
Supermarket layaknya toko raksasa yang mendisplay barang-barang hingga ribuan. yang menjadi magnet untuk menarik konsumen. Dengan memasukkan produk kita ke dalam supermarket, ratusan konsumen perhari bisa melihat produk kita sehingga akan menghasilkan bahkan meningkatan sales yang kita targetkan
b. Daerah pemasaeran tak terbatas dengan jumlah konsumen yang tak terhingga
Jika sebuah toko hanya didatangi konsumen dari sekitar tempat di mana toko berada, kita bisa mendapatkan konsumen lebih banyak, dari belasan sampai ratusan konsumen per hari bisa kita dapatkan. Yaitu dengan cara menitipkannya ke semua toko di manapun serta sebanyak yang kita mau. Yang tentu dengan didukung oleh tenaga penyuplai yang memadai. terbayangkan banyaknya konsumen yang bisa membeli produk anda ?
B. Persiapan Memulai Usaha Makanan
Persiapan pertama dan paling mendasar untuk memulai usaha makanan skala rumah tangga adalah menyiapkan modal dan perlengkapan usahanya. Karena biasanya usaha makanan skala rumah tangga itu hanya memerlukan biaya yang relatif kecil Seperti contohnya usaha makanan minuman susu kedelai, usaha minuman susu kacang kedelai biasanya hanya memerlukan biaya sebesar # juta untuk investasi, sedangkan biaya operasional selama sebulan cuma 2 juta saja dengan asumsi bahwa semua peralatan dan perlengkapan adalah baru saat memulai usaha.
Sedangkan untuk mengurangi biaya modal bisa dengan cara memanfaatkan peralatan yang sudah ada seperti kompor, panci, dan lain-lain. Nanti setelah pelanggan berdatangan barulah kita menyesuaikan untuk membeli peralatan seiiring jumlah produksi yang semakin meningkat..
C. Waktu Yang Tepat Untuk Memulai Usaha Makanan
biasanya setiap dari kita masih saja merasa ragu kapan waktu yang tepat untuk memulai usaha ini walaupun segala perlengkapan sudah siap dan modal yang sudah ada walau sedikit. itu wajar mengingat jika kita memang belum pernah membuka usaha dan baru ingin memulainya.
namun ingatlah, jika kita menunggu segalanya sampai sempurna, apapun usaha kita tidak akan pernah bisa dimulai. Karena di dunia ini memang tak ada yang sempurna, alias tiada gading yang tak retak. hehehe..
walaupun pengetahuan terkait usaha kita memang diperlukan, apalagi pengalaman, namun tetap saja tindakan kitalah yang akan menghasilkan perubahan. mengerti ? selamat memulai bisnis makanan skala rumah tangga.
Sampai JUmpa !!!
Household-scale food businesses
business opportunities household food scale
A. Excess Food Household Scale Enterprises
a. No need to look for another place for business location
as an example, look at the business of making tofu. This time where many stalls / kiosks scattered throughout the village then we can easily become producers. We can produce it and then we can easily entrust it to a variety of stalls or shops that we think strategically. So we and the shop owner can be equally profitable.
b. Unlimited marketing area with an infinite number of consumers
if a store is only visited by consumers from around the area where the store is located, we can get more consumers, from dozens to hundreds of customers per day we can get. That is the way to entrust to all shop wherever and as much as we want. Which is of course supported by an adequate power supply? Unimaginable number of consumers who can buy your product?
c. Consumers come with itself
typically; household-scale food businesses will be visited by the merchant. Yes, they are the consumers who buy our products to be traded back. Traders usually come alone to our place to buy our products in large quantities. Certainly not fun, stuff that we just nothing to buy direct production? Heehaw ...
d. Entire Family Members Can Help to Doing Business
yes, the domestic business profits is to have assistance from family members or from relatives. While holding the rules of the process will be a smooth passage of the production well. As He explained what rights and obligations of each member of the family in the food business. Understand?
E. Being able to Employment
it seems there are many people around us who are still in need of work. It would be cool if we could recruit people around us to participate in our food business. At least we can reduce unemployment in this country. Is not it? Who would have thought, from the food business was small; the future can be great to be a factory scale?
f. Products can be entrusted to the Supermarket
Supermarket giant like store display items to thousands. That is a magnet to attract consumers. By entering our products into the supermarket, hundreds of customers per day can see our products so that it will produce even increase our sales target
g. Unlimited marketing area with an infinite number of consumers
If a store is only visited by consumers from around the area where the store is located, we can get more consumers, from dozens to hundreds of customers per day we can get. That is the way to entrust to all shop wherever and as much as we want. Which is of course supported by an adequate power supply? Unimaginable number of consumers who can buy your product?
B. Preparation of Starting a Food Business
The first and most fundamental preparation for starting a business household food scale is set aside and supplies business. Because usually the food business household scale it only requires a relatively small cost As an example of business food drink soy milk, venture drink soy milk usually only requires a fee of # million for investments, while the operating costs for one month only 2 million just assuming that all equipment and supplies are new when starting a business.
To reduce the cost of capital could be by way of utilizing existing equipment such as stoves, pots, and others. Later after arriving customer then we adjust to purchase equipment concurrently increasing the number of production...
C. The Right Time To Start a Food Business
usually each of us still feel hesitant when the right time to start this business in spite of all the equipment is ready and existing capital albeit slightly. It is reasonable considering if we had never opened a new business and want to start.
But remember, if we wait for everything to perfection, whatever efforts we can never begin. Because the world is never perfect, aka no ivory that is not cracked. Heehaw...
despite our efforts related knowledge is necessary, let alone experience, but still it is our actions that will bring about change. Understand? Safely start a food business household scale.
business opportunities household food scale
A. Excess Food Household Scale Enterprises
a. No need to look for another place for business location
as an example, look at the business of making tofu. This time where many stalls / kiosks scattered throughout the village then we can easily become producers. We can produce it and then we can easily entrust it to a variety of stalls or shops that we think strategically. So we and the shop owner can be equally profitable.
b. Unlimited marketing area with an infinite number of consumers
if a store is only visited by consumers from around the area where the store is located, we can get more consumers, from dozens to hundreds of customers per day we can get. That is the way to entrust to all shop wherever and as much as we want. Which is of course supported by an adequate power supply? Unimaginable number of consumers who can buy your product?
c. Consumers come with itself
typically; household-scale food businesses will be visited by the merchant. Yes, they are the consumers who buy our products to be traded back. Traders usually come alone to our place to buy our products in large quantities. Certainly not fun, stuff that we just nothing to buy direct production? Heehaw ...
d. Entire Family Members Can Help to Doing Business
yes, the domestic business profits is to have assistance from family members or from relatives. While holding the rules of the process will be a smooth passage of the production well. As He explained what rights and obligations of each member of the family in the food business. Understand?
E. Being able to Employment
it seems there are many people around us who are still in need of work. It would be cool if we could recruit people around us to participate in our food business. At least we can reduce unemployment in this country. Is not it? Who would have thought, from the food business was small; the future can be great to be a factory scale?
f. Products can be entrusted to the Supermarket
Supermarket giant like store display items to thousands. That is a magnet to attract consumers. By entering our products into the supermarket, hundreds of customers per day can see our products so that it will produce even increase our sales target
g. Unlimited marketing area with an infinite number of consumers
If a store is only visited by consumers from around the area where the store is located, we can get more consumers, from dozens to hundreds of customers per day we can get. That is the way to entrust to all shop wherever and as much as we want. Which is of course supported by an adequate power supply? Unimaginable number of consumers who can buy your product?
B. Preparation of Starting a Food Business
The first and most fundamental preparation for starting a business household food scale is set aside and supplies business. Because usually the food business household scale it only requires a relatively small cost As an example of business food drink soy milk, venture drink soy milk usually only requires a fee of # million for investments, while the operating costs for one month only 2 million just assuming that all equipment and supplies are new when starting a business.
To reduce the cost of capital could be by way of utilizing existing equipment such as stoves, pots, and others. Later after arriving customer then we adjust to purchase equipment concurrently increasing the number of production...
C. The Right Time To Start a Food Business
usually each of us still feel hesitant when the right time to start this business in spite of all the equipment is ready and existing capital albeit slightly. It is reasonable considering if we had never opened a new business and want to start.
But remember, if we wait for everything to perfection, whatever efforts we can never begin. Because the world is never perfect, aka no ivory that is not cracked. Heehaw...
despite our efforts related knowledge is necessary, let alone experience, but still it is our actions that will bring about change. Understand? Safely start a food business household scale.
oh jadi begitu ya caranya ? hmmm .... mau praktek akh ....